La Spiritualità

The Casa al Mare dell'Incoronata, as well as an opportunity for a peaceful holiday, is also a place of spiritual meditation, welcome, peace and intimacy. Hospitality is a matter of the heart, before that of organization and for this the Casa al Mare Incoronata is mainly a place to "feel at home". Inside the structure there is a chapel, where every morning a priest celebrates Holy Mass in which you can participate, In the Incornata Park there is also a cave dedicated to Madonna of Lourdes where the faithful can gather in prayer and in spiritual meditation.

"Where God dwells, we must recognize that we are all "at home"; where Christ dwells, his brothers and sisters are no longer foreigners"

Benedetto XVI

"The Church is called to always be the open house of the Father. One of the concrete signs of this openness is to have churches everywhere with open doors. So that, if someone wants to follow a motion of the Spirit and approaches looking for God, he will not meet with the coldness of a closed door"

Pope Francesco in Evangelii Gaudium

"May Our Lady take us by the hand and accompany us on our journey"

Iole Tommasi , Mother General, from 1999 to 2017, of the Congregation "Povere Figlie di Maria Santissima Incoronata, Adoratrici Perpetue del Sacro Cuore di Gesù"

"How well one feels in solitude, close to the Lord! Like everything, in nature, speaks of the goodness, the greatness of God"

Teresa Fardella De Blasi (founder of the religious community of the "Povere Figlie di Maria Santissima Incoronata, Adoratrici Perpetue del Sacro Cuore di Gesù)

"The Spiritual is still the first thing, if we want the works of God to progress"

Teresa Fardella De Blasi

"May the good Lord guide you, enlighten you and give your heart the holy love that drives you to the conversion of souls through your good example."

Teresa Fardella De Blasi

"If we want our Congregation to live, each of us must love humility and therefore poverty, obedience and sacrifice, always asking the Lord for his holy love, which will make us act only for him and make us live in perfection"

Teresa Fardella De Blasi